You begin the game by making a choice on either college or a career. The game is designed to replicate your life and all it’s twists and turns from your 18th birthday right up until retirement. So I guess let’s just get the pain over with as quickly as possible so we can get back to something fun. Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s looking back on things through rose colored glasses, maybe it’s the bevy of changes the game’s undergone since it’s original inception… whatever the reason… the game I recently played was about as thrilling as watching paint dry. This game actually sat in my closet for almost 2 years before even opened it this past Thanksgiving to play with my family and I was really looking forward to rekindling those fond memories of my youth. This comes very difficult to me as I try and find the good in every game I play and own, unfortunately that proved rather difficult. It’s the very version I am reviewing today.

Years later, my sister got me the updated version of the game as a gag since she mercilessly brings up my American Idol audition from years back. It’s fitting that I post this review on Christmas as my most vivid memory of this game was from one Christmas morning many many years ago, opening up a wrapped rectangular package, revealing the bright large letters “GAME OF…” I knew exactly what this was having seen commercials for it all year long! I tore off the rest of the paper holding up my new trophy singing loudly into my dad’s video camera “LIFE! THE GAME OF LIFE!” I had played The Game of Life at my grandma’s house a few times and now I had my very own copy! I was so excited to get the Game of Life and I fondly remember playing the game with my siblings and having a blast.